The Milwaukee Urban Forestry Fund’s aim is to increase tree canopy and the many benefits trees provide for the residents of Milwaukee. Tree equity studies show that many low-income neighborhoods in Milwaukee are disproportionately affected by a low population of healthy, mature trees and the loss of benefits they can provide. To overcome this disparity, the Urban Forestry Fund partners with residents and community organizers to plant free trees on public and private property throughout the City of Milwaukee.
All are encouraged to apply for a tree planting program in their neighborhood! Just submit your info on the Urban Forestry Fund website, milwaukee.gov/urbanforestryfund, and they will follow up with more information.
Why is it important for Urban Forestry Fund to support Downtown Milwaukee’s first dog park?
The Downtown area is always a challenge when it comes to establishing and maintaining healthy, large trees. Little planting space, compacted soil, and pollutants all make it difficult for trees to establish and grow. The dog park is an opportunity to provide a little green haven in a place heavily surrounded by concrete.
The Urban Forestry Fund is excited to support Milwaukee’s first dog park not only to enrich the lives of our furry four-legged friends, but to sponsor trees that will provide cool shade, cleaner air, and better overall health to the residents and visitors of Downtown Milwaukee.

What is the Urban Forestry Fund most looking forward to when Downtown's dog park opens?
The Urban Forestry Fund is excited to add to the urban tree canopy and a downtown community greenspace- all of which will lead to happier dogs and their owners!
The MKE Dog Park project team is thrilled to welcome the Milwaukee Urban Forestry Fund to its growing list of supporters and community partners!
Learn how you and your company can join the Urban Forestry Fund and our other committed sponsors here!