The future dog park will be partially covered, located on a site under I-794 that is a critical link between downtown and the Historic Third Ward, along the west side of the Milwaukee River.
The dog park is the crown jewel of a continuation of a series of projects that BID #21 and BID #2 have successfully undertaken to improve the areas under I-794 turning them from forgotten about spaces into vibrant places. Learn more about the organization's recently completed under I-794 improvements and the dog park project by downloading and reviewing this presentation.
The highly visible site is at one of the main entrances into downtown Milwaukee with over 29,000 vehicles passing by daily, and walking distance to The Hop streetcar line.
The project will revitalize this important gateway with a much-needed community asset and activate the area with positive public uses, continue our under-freeway improvement plan, trigger more investment to the west of the Milwaukee River, protect real estate values, and ultimately provide numerous community engagement opportunities with various partners.
Features of the Dog Park
Specifically, this key site will be transformed into a dynamic dog run with a publicly accessible Riverwalk extension featuring:
- Prominent donor recognition opportunities
- Separated small and large dog areas
- Pet turf with a washing system for convenient maintenance
- Security lighting
- Decorative fencing
- Water & trash stations
- Access to the expanded Milwaukee Riverwalk system
- Expansive shade areas provided by the overhead freeway bridges
- Public art opportunities
Equally exciting are the community events, non-profit partnerships, and engagement opportunities that will be created through this new facility.